G2W: Genomics to Whole Cell Workshop

Genomics to Whole Cell Workshop

Standards, Approaches and Integrative Modelling

Sheffield, October 23rd-25th 2024

Three day workshop aiming to bring together the genomics, whole cell and modelling communities. The focus is on discussions around future research in terms of: 

We will focus on discussion of these topics to identify larger scale problems of the field and how we can address them as a community. These ideas will then be synthesised after the conference as a perspectives paper which all attendees will be invited to contribute to. 

Workshop Chairs

Penn Faulkner Rainford

General Chair

 University of York

Sarah Harris

Data Theme Chair

University of Sheffield

Harold Fellermann

Data Theme Chair

Newcastle University

Susan Stepney

Full Stack Theme Chair

University of York

Natalio Krasnogor

Safety and Security Theme Chair

Newcastle University

Lucia Marucci

AI and Whole Cell Modelling Theme Chair

University of Bristol

Aalap Mogre

Experimentalist Representative Chair

Trinity College Dublin

Maria  Temenou

AIBIO-UK Admin Chair

University of Nottingham

Shivani Harshe

Administrative Chair

University of Sheffield