Draft Schedule

Wednesday 23rd October 12.45 pm - 6 pm

12.45 pm Lunch

1.15 pm Welcome and Introduction

Theme: Data - Representations, Standards and Missing Data

2 pm Keynote: Tim Rudge

2.30 pm Keynote: Thomas Gorochowski

3 pm Break

3.30 pm Lightning Talks

3.45 pm Discussion Session

Theme: Bio/Cyber risk, safety and security

5.15 pm Lightning Talks

5.30 pm Poster Session

Thursday 24th October 9 am - 6 pm

Theme: Bio/Cyber risk, safety and security (cont.)

9 am Keynotes (TBC - including Dr Mathias Weyland and Carmen Mei-Ling Frischknecht-Gruber)

10 am Discussion

11.30 am Break

Theme: Challenges and Cautions, the rise of AI

12 pm Keynote: Annalisa Occhipinti

12.30 pm Keynote: Bo Wang

1 pm Lightning Talks

1.15 pm Lightning Talks ("Full Stack" vertical integration of modelling)

1.30 pm Lunch

2.30 pm Discussion

4 pm Break

Theme: "Full Stack" vertical integration of modelling

4.30 pm Keynote: Rudolf Füchslin

5.30 pm Poster Session

6.30 pm Dinner

Friday 25th October 9 am - 3 pm

Theme: "Full Stack" vertical integration of modelling (cont.)

9 am Discussion

Theme: Whole Cell Modelling

10.30 am Lightning Talks

10.45 am Break

11.15 am Keynote: Edda Klipp

12.15 pm Discussion

13.45 pm Closing

14 pm Lunch